A one-day workshop hosted by The Australian National University (ANU) Research School of Management (RSM) and the ANU Pacific Institute.


The South Pacific region is rapidly moving towards growth and increased development. Various development projects are important mechanisms that ensure economic progress and deliver social benefits. However, the region relies on external expertise for managing them.

Given the increasing number and size of such projects in the region, it is imperative that these capabilities are developed independently by South Pacific nations to ensure social and economic advancements.

Together with the ANU Pacific InstituteRSM will lead a workshop on understanding and enhancing project-management capabilities in the South Pacific.

The workshop will:

  • explore the different challenges in project capabilities in the South Pacific
  • identify the impact of social, cultural and religious beliefs on projects
  • develop a tailored approach for each country to enhance their project-management capabilities.

Workshop Schedule




Registration and coffee


Keynote speakers


Morning tea


Panel discussion 1

Chair: Professor Ofer Zwikael

Panel members:

  • Professor Miranda Forsyth, ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance, College of Asia and the Pacific
  • Ms Musarat Ali, Head of Investment and Trade, Investment Fiji
  • Associate Professor Alessandra Capezio, ANU Research School of Management
  • Dr Bernadette Samau, National University of Samoa




Panel discussion 2

Welcome: Professor Vinh Lu, ANU Research School of Management

Chair: Professor Ofer Zwikael

Panel members:

  • Dr Ashkan Zarghami, ANU Research School of Management
  • Mrs Fantasha Lockington, CEO, Fiji Hotel & Tourism Association
  • Dr Rosalina Sa'aga-Banuve, ANU College of Health and Medicine
  • Professor Lavagnon Ika, University of Ottawa, Canada


Afternoon tea


Roundtable discussion - next steps


Professor Ofer Zwikael, ANU Research School of Management


  • Professor Brian Schmidt AC FAA FRS, Vice-Chancellor, ANU
  • Professor Steven Roberts, Dean, ANU College of Business and Economics
  • Professor Vinh Lu, Director, ANU Research School of Management
  • Mr Ariff Ali, Governor, Reserve Bank of Fiji
  • Dr George Carter, Chair of the ANU Pacific Institute
  • Professor Lavagnon Ika, University of Ottawa, Canada
  • Ms Musarat Ali, Head of Investment and Trade, Investment Fiji
  • Dr Bernadette Samau, National University of Samoa
  • Associate Professor Alessandra Capezio, ANU Research School of Management
  • Professor Miranda Forsyth, ANU School of Regulation and Global Governance, College of Asia and the Pacific
  • Dr Rosalina Sa'aga-Banuve, ANU College of Health and Medicine
  • Dr Ashkan Zarghami, ANU Research School of Management
  • Mrs Fantasha Lockington, CEO, Fiji Hotel & Tourism Association






